10 random sweet things you can do for a girl:
1. Tie her shoes
2. Wash her car
3. Buy her a rose
4. Make her a card
5. Record her a video of your talent
6. Play/sing a song for her
7. Give her a balloon with a ring attached at the end
8. Make her a heart mural
9. Take pictures of various hearts
10. Build her a heart puzzle
FOR MY 1,200th POST!!!
i know we are still starting, so i won’t envy those girls whose special someones have done these to them already. i know you are still planning something that could really make my heart lose its normal beating. and i will wait for that. :))
i posted this already on my tumblr account. but it is really very sweet and lovely that i couldn't help but post it again here on my blogspot account. i just love reading this again and again. :))
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