FEB 14
it was valentines day obviously. and it was a red day in ateneo. sir rikki allowed us to wear plain red shirts instead of the usual uniforms. so we grabbed it! we bought plain shirts and wore red though most of us are loveless. hahaha. ece 2 the best! i heard mass with the ece 3's. then after the mass was the araw ng mga gabay program. it was so so so the best! sir rikki told us that if we could make the gym full with students, then he MIGHT cancell classes. bwahahaha! it was quite impossible at first. but slowly, the gym was filled with students. then sir rikki asked us what do we want. we all shouted, NO CLASS!!! father samson "thumbs up-ed" his two thumbs. the next thing happened, the whole gym BANGED as all the students shouted and celebrated. whooooo!!! it was one of the best programs in school. teachers danced and all. plus no classes, whooooo!!! i, jolu and kate headed to mcdo gmall. we ate lunch there. harlan went also. so it was a four some date now. bwahahaha! we were like spotting all lovers bringing flowers, cakes, chocolates, celebrating valentines. and always, we were like, AAAAAWWWWW. THEY HAVE THEIR DATES. US? WE HAVE NO ONE. hahaha! it was so fun! then we went to the atrium because there was this huge figure there that spelled L-O-V-E. we had pictures with it WITH shaun and his gang. hahaha! we saw shaun there with his friends too so we basically had pictures altogether. we went to bravado after and harlan bought a shirt there. until we found out that it's already 3 pm. katie still has a cheerdance practice so they went to school already. i stayed in gmall because i have to buy chocos and flowers for mom. xtian texted me to stay longer and wait for him. shocks! i waited for like an hour! stood up the whole 60 minutes! but but but! this is one event where you can say that sacrifices really pay off and that there can be miracles when you believe. ahem! i went back to the atrium and decided to wait there for xtian. until den den den!!! I SAW RALPH!!! whooooo!!! my eyes were suddenly clear that time that i saw him from afar!!! whooooo!!! can't explain my reaction. i totally had a memory loss. we talked. i asked him if he has a date, what he's doin there and all. he asked me some questions too. but that was it. AGAIN! that was IT! so dumb. i have always planned to tell him i love you if we ever see each other. but oh i guess i forgot it. memory loss!!! RAWR! it was just a five minute conversation i guess. so sad. xtian then called me where i was. then i told him what happened. i spanked his arms to death because really, i can't believe i and ralph met on VDAY!. HAHAHAHA! he was laughing. yeah i know. we both laughed. i was really high with smiles after my encounter with ralph. i accompanied xtian to buy chocos for khim. but RAWR! he was so slow! khim was already coming to us. so he didnt have the chance anymore to buy chocos. RAWR! he handed the bracelet to khim. they talked. i took a picture of them. they talked again. until khim said she'll go to c&e bookstore to buy a book. RAWR! i kicked xtian and told him to buy chocos now and rush to c&e bookstore to give it to khim. he doubted at first. got nervous i think but hey! it's valentines! he has all the license in the world to give anything to khim! and so he did. thank GOD! haha. we rushed to c&e bookstore. take note. WE! i became an instant accomplice. it was a very hot day running to c&e bookstore. you could just imagine my sweat that time. hahaha! it was successful though. he gave the chocos to khim. khim accepted it. then blah blah blah. i need to go to victoria already because mom's waiting for me there. good thing xtian brought his tammy. i had an instant ride! yeah! xtian had his share of sermons for me also. he told me to text ralph. but the message did not send. i wondered why. until xtain checked it and he found out that i was over the number limit! RAWR! instead of 0932 i had a 03932! stupid me stupid me! RAWR! hahaha! it was already late when i finally sent the message. i was on the way to victoria already. but it was a good thing also somehow. ralph and i got to exchange text messages though it were only few ones. i got to greet him happy valentines, he greeted me also happy valentines too. that was it. i arrived at victoria (thanks xtian for the ride!). gave my vday gifts to mommy. bought shirt and pants for arvin. then had a dinner at probinsya. it was a very adventurous valentins day for me. maybe not the best. but still a memorable one. i saw ralph. it was what i wanted. i got it. too sad it was just only for a very short time. and, i forgot what i should have told him --- i love you.
FEB 16
just another normal day for me. but it turned out it would be one of the days that will my mark my history forever. i watched the utakan contest with naden, jolu, mozo and doms. ea was the bomb! hahaha! we were all surprised with the questions like who baptized jose rizal and who was the actor that portrayed amante del valle in the first version of mara clara. so FTW!!! hahaha! ea's answer for the first question was, FATHER SAMSON!!! hahahahaha! and for the second, VIC SOTTO!!! hahahahaha times two!!! hahahahaha! we won 2nd runner up. not bad at all for a team that is handicapped. we only had 6 players instead of 7. one faculty was absent. clap clap clap for all of them. but i got the saddest news that day. dash was there at the utakan too with kaloy to take some pictures. then she told me that sir jubelag died already, 3am that day. i was like O_O!!! i asked her over and over again if it was really true then she said yes. she saw it at ate sam's fb. then i got the second the motion from a text from shishi. it was really true. one of my greatest teachers died already. i was really teary eyed that moment on. really can't understand my feelings. i wanted to cry and burst into tears but i can't. too many people around. i cant. so fickle minded, i decided to stay late at school to wach the cheerdance rehearsals with naden and jolu. we watched. but all throughout the rehearsals, my mind was still in a state of shock from the sad news. when i arrived home, i immediately opened my laptop and signed in my fb. and the news was all over my wall. all were about sir jubelag. i visited ate sam's fb. message of condolences filled it. i typed my message of condolence too and sent it. i told her how great sir jubelag was, that he was just not a teacher to us, HE WAS ALSO A FATHER. my tears were really rolling down my cheeks as i typed those words. memories with sir jubelag flashed back as i typed tweets bout him on my twitter account. SIR JUBELAG WAS A GREAT MAN, TEACHER, FRIEND AND FATHER. i will really miss him. so much. :'((
FEB 18
awitenista day! tickets amazing race day! database day! deadline for the drawing thingy day! so many happenings that day. 6 hours, we (naden, jolu and anj) figured out how to do our database thingy. that oh so complicated ERD. and that relationship thingy. really had a hard time. but good thing we figured it out after. naden did the figures of the ERD in the ms word. while i, jolu and anj played angry birds. hahaha! sorry naden. we'll do the rest of the stuffs. classes enden, we waited at f313 for kuya budy's text bout the tickets. amazing race it is! but first i went to c404 to pass my sketchpad but i backed out the very last minute. stupid me again. i dont know! i suddenly did not have the guts! AGAIN! RAWR! RAWR! RAWR! i want to slap myself for not pursuing it. RAWR! i went back to the amazing race thing instead. we waited for minutes and minutes and minutes. until xtain suddenly ran. i was a bit late reaction why he ran. until i realized it was an amazing race thing. so i ran too! hahaha! carrying my bag weighted with my lappy, i ran from f313 to j301! so exhausting!!! hahaha! but twas fun. i got the number 6 ticket. so amazing race done. we went to jfc for a dinner. quick dinner indeed because the line for awitenista was already loaded so we had to fall in line already too! but you know, the power of friends pave its way again. we got to singit because of the ece 3's many connections. hahaha! thanks to them! and to everyone! we got inside and seated at the upper part. awitenista started and so we rock and rolled! the house brought down when shades of white performed. SABIT it is! it was mika's band. he composed the song and everybody was just singing with them every lyric of the song. whoooooo!!! so fun!!! they were all performance to the max! they got more the hearts of the crowd when they wore those very girly headbands at the middle of the song. PARTEY! hahaha! i went home early. after the performance of agua's FAST. jolu, naden and kryzl went home with me also. when i got home, texts were all over that SABIT WON! YEY! it was the song of the year and mika was the composer of the year! OH YEAH! congrats meka-il! ang lake lake mo! :)))))))
FEB 19
the day everybody was waiting for, CHEERDANCE DAY! ece's had a seminar at nikkei jin kai except for ece 2. so i asked tiany if i could have a ride with them going to school. he said yes. so again, thanky tiany! hahaha. sorry also for keeping all of you wait at the kanto. i had to check the house if everything was okay before going out. so then broom broom broom. when we arrived in school, i called jolu so we could have dinner before the show starts. we ate at kabab. it was my first time there. yeah really, first time! and yeah, i liked it. very delicious kabab baby! hahaha. then we fell in line already as the line started to thicken. we stood up there for i think an hour. so bagal the progress of the entracne thingy. til finally we were able to go in. but unfortunately, we were all separate ways because of the limited seats. i was with tiany, naden and migen. jolu and agua and all others were on the upper part. so there. i think it was okay already. what matters most is we could watch. yeah. and so the show started! it was a blast. cheers here, screams there, whatever shouts everywhere! haha! CEA was first to present. we were all cheering for them of course. i like the sisss sisss sisss part, the bugsay part, and the dirty bit part. so lolololololove!!! hahaha! clap clap clap after the performance. then the other divisions followed. i thought, we all thought nursing would win. but hep hep hep, this is another day of there can be miracles when you believe! whooooooooo!!! when sir rikki announced, AND THE CHAMPION FOR THE CHEERDANCE COMPETITION, ANG NAGBABALIK! COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE!!! bang!!! it brought the house down as all the CEA students jumped and screamed for joy!!! whoooooooooo!!! i jumped too!!! i screamed my lungs out!!! we all celebrated! words of congratulations were everywhere!!! picture takings too! i took some snapshots of the celebration. too sad my camera was already low bat so some pictures were kinda blurry. but nevertheless, PARTEY PARTEY!!! CEA THE BEST!!! WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! we ate at mcdo after. then i went home first, again, hahaha! because mom already called me. it was one of the best nights of my life. hoping for more nights like this.
CONGRATULATIONS CEA!!! congrats katie and ron! the lone two ece cheerdancers. :)))))))))))))
on the other hand, i have a very deep thought in my mind right now. it started last monday. yeah. monday. and it became even stronger last wednesday. it's just a thought i know. but i think it's kinda dangerous. well oh well, i'll just leave it as it is. i won't culture it, i won't stop it. as it is as i said. whatever happens, happens. and if that time comes, that sort of scary moment i think, that's the time i will tell it to the whole world. as of now, i'll keep it as a secret. yeah. A SECRET. :)))))))))))
it's good to know that i have a secret again in my life after a very long long long time. :))))))))))))))))))))